Welcome to Coonara Community House
Coonara seeks to foster a safe, supportive, friendly environment which inspires personal confidence and empowerment for individuals. Coonara encourages community participation and is committed to providing opportunities which are relevant and accessible to all.
Coonara has been the recipient of many awards for its quality and innovative training and delivery of courses. Several trainers have also received multiple awards for excellence in training from State and other training industry bodies.

Early Childhood Education & Care
Coonara Early Learning Centre provides a variety of programs for ages 0-6 with a focus on play based learning.

Coonara Beekeeping Club
The club meets on the second Wednesday of each month (except January). If you wish to join please phone 9758 7081 or visit their website for details.

Room Hire
Private & comfortable event spaces located in South East Melbourne.
Coonara Community House are now providing fantastic spaces for meetings!
Coonara Membership
Help support us in funding future programs for just $10 anually. Enjoy some handy perks too!

(03) 9758 7081
